Friday, March 13, 2009

A Penguin for all Seasons

'Why penguin?' you ask. 'And why is the penguin in the badlands?' you further inquire. You sure are nosy.

Here is the semi-short version:
I live in the desert of Southern California. When I say desert, I mean real desert, the miner-in-the-hills-with-a-shotgun kind of desert. A kind of badlands, if you will. (see? it does make sense! HA!) I was born here, so I am not one of our more colorful immigrants that go around with bleached hair and board shorts and say things like 'dude!' I was raised in the desert, complete with regular rattlesnake and coyote encounters, and much contempt and mocking of 'city dwellers' who would come out every weekend and ride their quads 100 yards from our house and consider it a daring adventure in the wilderness.

I like penguins; I always have. I collect them in a minimal way. One christmas I found a dancing penguin that plays an obnoxious christmas song at Target. As I was purchasing it, the lady behind me said that she collected penguins too.
" I have four hundred!" she said proudly.
I have eight. I guess I'll never achieve the title of crazy penguin lady. *sigh*
I have, however happily annoyed many people with my dancing penguin (it's even more annoying when it's not Christmas, and you hide it in different spots around the house so no one can find it)
Yes, I am that kind of person.

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